Gaussian Splatting: Papers #6
Here are the latest papers related to Gaussian Splatting! 🤘
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MGS-SLAM: Monocular Sparse Tracking and Gaussian Mapping with Depth Smooth Regularization
MGS-SLAM: Monocular Sparse Tracking and Gaussian Mapping with Depth Smooth Regularization [PDF]
by Pengcheng Zhu, Yaoming Zhuang, Baoquan Chen, Li Li, Chengdong Wu, Zhanlin Liu
This letter introduces a novel framework for dense Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (VSLAM) based on Gaussian Splatting.
Recently Gaussian Splatting-based SLAM has yielded promising results, but rely on RGB-D input and is weak in tracking. To address these limitations, we uniquely integrates advanced sparse visual odometry with a dense Gaussian Splatting scene representation for the first time, thereby eliminating the dependency on depth maps typical of Gaussian Splatting-based SLAM systems and enhancing tracking robustness.
Here, the sparse visual odometry tracks camera poses in RGB stream, while Gaussian Splatting handles map reconstruction. These components are interconnected through a Multi-View Stereo (MVS) depth estimation network. And we propose a depth smooth loss to reduce the negative effect of estimated depth maps.
Furthermore, the consistency in scale between the sparse visual odometry and the dense Gaussian map is preserved by Sparse-Dense Adjustment Ring (SDAR).
We have evaluated our system across various synthetic and real-world datasets. The accuracy of our pose estimation surpasses existing methods and achieves state-of-the-art performance.
Additionally, it outperforms previous monocular methods in terms of novel view synthesis fidelity, matching the results of neural SLAM systems that utilize RGB-D input.
I3DGS: Improve 3D Gaussian Splatting from Multiple Dimensions
I3DGS: Improve 3D Gaussian Splatting from Multiple Dimensions [PDF]
by Jinwei Lin
3D Gaussian Splatting is a novel method for 3D view synthesis, which can gain an implicit neural learning rendering result than the traditional neural rendering technology but keep the more high-definition fast rendering speed. But it is still difficult to achieve a fast enough efficiency on 3D Gaussian Splatting for the practical applications.
To Address this issue, we propose the I3DS, a synthetic model performance improvement evaluation solution and experiments test.
From multiple and important levels or dimensions of the original 3D Gaussian Splatting, we made more than two thousand various kinds of experiments to test how the selected different items and components can make an impact on the training efficiency of the 3D Gaussian Splatting model.
In this paper, we will share abundant and meaningful experiences and methods about how to improve the training, performance and the impacts caused by different items of the model.
A special but normal Integer compression in base 95 and a floating-point compression in base 94 with ASCII encoding and decoding mechanism is presented.
Many real and effective experiments and test results or phenomena will be recorded. After a series of reasonable fine-tuning, I3DS can gain excellent performance improvements than the previous one. The project code is available as open source.
OneTo3D: One Image to Re-editable Dynamic 3D Model and Video Generation
OneTo3D: One Image to Re-editable Dynamic 3D Model and Video Generation [PDF]
by Jinwei Lin
One image to editable dynamic 3D model and video generation is novel direction and change in the research area of single image to 3D representation or 3D reconstruction of image.
Gaussian Splatting has demonstrated its advantages in implicit 3D reconstruction, compared with the original Neural Radiance Fields.
As the rapid development of technologies and principles, people tried to used the Stable Diffusion models to generate targeted models with text instructions. However, using the normal implicit machine learning methods is hard to gain the precise motions and actions control, further more, it is difficult to generate a long content and semantic continuous 3D video.
To address this issue, we propose the OneTo3D, a method and theory to used one single image to generate the editable 3D model and generate the targeted semantic continuous time-unlimited 3D video.
We used a normal basic Gaussian Splatting model to generate the 3D model from a single image, which requires less volume of video memory and computer calculation ability. Subsequently, we designed an automatic generation and self-adaptive binding mechanism for the object armature.
Combined with the re-editable motions and actions analyzing and controlling algorithm we proposed, we can achieve a better performance than the SOTA projects in the area of building the 3D model precise motions and actions control, and generating a stable semantic continuous time-unlimited 3D video with the input text instructions. Here we will analyze the detailed implementation methods and theories analyses.
Relative comparisons and conclusions will be presented. The project code is open source.