Gaussian Splatting: Papers #9

Here are the latest papers related to Gaussian Splatting! 🤘

Gaussian Splatting
23 min readMay 29, 2024

Join us on July 2nd, 2024 at 17:00 CEST for our inaugural online meetup on Gaussian Splatting! Agenda will be announced soon — stay tuned ❤️

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GSDeformer: Direct Cage-based Deformation for 3D Gaussian Splatting

GSDeformer: Direct Cage-based Deformation for 3D Gaussian Splatting [PDF]

by Jiajun Huang, Hongchuan Yu


We present GSDeformer, a method that achieves free-form deformation on 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) without requiring any architectural changes.

Our method extends cage-based deformation, a traditional mesh deformation method, to 3DGS. This is done by converting 3DGS into a novel proxy point cloud representation, where its deformation can be used to infer the transformations to apply on the 3D gaussians making up 3DGS.

We also propose an automatic cage construction algorithm for 3DGS to minimize manual work.

Our method does not modify the underlying architecture of 3DGS. Therefore, any existing trained vanilla 3DGS can be easily edited by our method.

We compare the deformation capability of our method against other existing methods, demonstrating the ease of use and comparable quality of our method, despite being more direct and thus easier to integrate with other concurrent developments on 3DGS.

Project page:

FeatSplat: Feature Splatting for Better Novel View Synthesis with Low Overlap

Feature Splatting for Better Novel View Synthesis with Low Overlap [PDF]

by T. Berriel Martins, Javier Civera


3D Gaussian Splatting has emerged as a very promising scene representation, achieving state-of-the-art quality in novel view synthesis significantly faster than competing alternatives. However, its use of spherical harmonics to represent scene colors limits the expressivity of 3D Gaussians and, as a consequence, the capability of the representation to generalize as we move away from the training views.

In this paper, we propose to encode the color information of 3D Gaussians into per-Gaussian feature vectors, which we denote as Feature Splatting (FeatSplat). To synthesize a novel view, Gaussians are first “splatted” into the image plane, then the corresponding feature vectors are alpha-blended, and finally, the blended vector is decoded by a small MLP to render the RGB pixel values.

To further inform the model, we concatenate a camera embedding to the blended feature vector, to condition the decoding also on the viewpoint information. Our experiments show that this novel model for encoding the radiance considerably improves novel view synthesis for low overlap views that are distant from the training views.

Finally, we also show the capacity and convenience of our feature vector representation, demonstrating its capability not only to generate RGB values for novel views, but also their per-pixel semantic labels. We will release the code upon acceptance.

Splat-SLAM: Globally Optimized RGB-only SLAM with 3D Gaussians

Splat-SLAM: Globally Optimized RGB-only SLAM with 3D Gaussians [PDF]

by Erik Sandström, Keisuke Tateno, Michael Oechsle, Michael Niemeyer, Luc Van Gool, Martin R. Oswald, Federico Tombari


3D Gaussian Splatting has emerged as a powerful representation of geometry and appearance for RGB-only dense Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), as it provides a compact dense map representation while enabling efficient and high-quality map rendering. However, existing methods show significantly worse reconstruction quality than competing methods using other 3D representations, e.g., neural point clouds, since they either do not employ global map and pose optimization or make use of monocular depth.

In response, we propose the first RGB-only SLAM system with a dense 3D Gaussian map representation that utilizes all benefits of globally optimized tracking by adapting dynamically to keyframe pose and depth updates by actively deforming the 3D Gaussian map. Moreover, we find that refining the depth updates in inaccurate areas with a monocular depth estimator further improves the accuracy of the 3D reconstruction.

Our experiments on the Replica, TUM-RGBD, and ScanNet datasets indicate the effectiveness of globally optimized 3D Gaussians, as the approach achieves superior or on par performance with existing RGB-only SLAM methods in tracking, mapping, and rendering accuracy while yielding small map sizes and fast runtimes.

The source code is available at

Diffusion4D: Fast Spatial-temporal Consistent 4D Generation via Video Diffusion Models

Diffusion4D: Fast Spatial-temporal Consistent 4D Generation via Video Diffusion Models [PDF]

by Hanwen Liang, Yuyang Yin, Dejia Xu, Hanxue Liang, Zhangyang Wang, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis, Yao Zhao, Yunchao Wei


The availability of large-scale multimodal datasets and advancements in diffusion models have significantly accelerated progress in 4D content generation. Most prior approaches rely on multiple image or video diffusion models, utilizing score distillation sampling for optimization or generating pseudo novel views for direct supervision. However, these methods are hindered by slow optimization speeds and multi-view inconsistency issues.

Spatial and temporal consistency in 4D geometry has been extensively explored respectively in 3D-aware diffusion models and traditional monocular video diffusion models. Building on this foundation, we propose a strategy to migrate the temporal consistency in video diffusion models to the spatial-temporal consistency required for 4D generation. Specifically, we present a novel framework, Diffusion4D, for efficient and scalable 4D content generation. Leveraging a meticulously curated dynamic 3D dataset, we develop a 4D-aware video diffusion model capable of synthesizing orbital views of dynamic 3D assets.

To control the dynamic strength of these assets, we introduce a 3D-to-4D motion magnitude metric as guidance. Additionally, we propose a novel motion magnitude reconstruction loss and 3D-aware classifier-free guidance to refine the learning and generation of motion dynamics. After obtaining orbital views of the 4D asset, we perform explicit 4D construction with Gaussian splatting in a coarse-to-fine manner. The synthesized multi-view consistent 4D image set enables us to swiftly generate high-fidelity and diverse 4D assets within just several minutes.

Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method surpasses prior state-of-the-art techniques in terms of generation efficiency and 4D geometry consistency across various prompt modalities.

Project page:

Memorize What Matters: Emergent Scene Decomposition from Multitraverse

Memorize What Matters: Emergent Scene Decomposition from Multitraverse [PDF]

by Yiming Li, Zehong Wang, Yue Wang, Zhiding Yu, Zan Gojcic, Marco Pavone, Chen Feng, Jose M. Alvarez


Humans naturally retain memories of permanent elements, while ephemeral moments often slip through the cracks of memory. This selective retention is crucial for robotic perception, localization, and mapping. To endow robots with this capability, we introduce 3D Gaussian Mapping (3DGM), a self-supervised, camera-only offline mapping framework grounded in 3D Gaussian Splatting.

3DGM converts multitraverse RGB videos from the same region into a Gaussian-based environmental map while concurrently performing 2D ephemeral object segmentation. Our key observation is that the environment remains consistent across traversals, while objects frequently change. This allows us to exploit self-supervision from repeated traversals to achieve environment-object decomposition.

More specifically, 3DGM formulates multitraverse environmental mapping as a robust differentiable rendering problem, treating pixels of the environment and objects as inliers and outliers, respectively. Using robust feature distillation, feature residuals mining, and robust optimization, 3DGM jointly performs 3D mapping and 2D segmentation without human intervention.

We build the Mapverse benchmark, sourced from the Ithaca365 and nuPlan datasets, to evaluate our method in unsupervised 2D segmentation, 3D reconstruction, and neural rendering. Extensive results verify the effectiveness and potential of our method for self-driving and robotics.

Project page:

DOF-GS: Adjustable Depth-of-Field 3D Gaussian Splatting for Refocusing, Defocus Rendering, and Blur Removal

DOF-GS: Adjustable Depth-of-Field 3D Gaussian Splatting for Refocusing,Defocus Rendering and Blur Removal [PDF]

by Yujie Wang, Praneeth Chakravarthula, Baoquan Chen


3D Gaussian Splatting-based techniques have recently advanced 3D scene reconstruction and novel view synthesis, achieving high-quality real-time rendering. However, these approaches are inherently limited by the underlying pinhole camera assumption in modeling the images and hence only work for All-in-Focus (AiF) sharp image inputs. This severely affects their applicability in real-world scenarios where images often exhibit defocus blur due to the limited depth-of-field (DOF) of imaging devices. Additionally, existing 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) methods also do not support rendering of DOF effects.

To address these challenges, we introduce DOF-GS that allows for rendering adjustable DOF effects, removing defocus blur as well as refocusing of 3D scenes, all from multi-view images degraded by defocus blur. To this end, we re-imagine the traditional Gaussian Splatting pipeline by employing a finite aperture camera model coupled with explicit, differentiable defocus rendering guided by the Circle-of-Confusion (CoC).

The proposed framework provides for dynamic adjustment of DOF effects by changing the aperture and focal distance of the underlying camera model on-demand. It also enables rendering varying DOF effects of 3D scenes post-optimization, and generating AiF images from defocused training images. Furthermore, we devise a joint optimization strategy to further enhance details in the reconstructed scenes by jointly optimizing rendered defocused and AiF images.

Our experimental results indicate that DOF-GS produces high-quality sharp all-in-focus renderings conditioned on inputs compromised by defocus blur, with the training process incurring only a modest increase in GPU memory consumption. We further demonstrate the applications of the proposed method for adjustable defocus rendering and refocusing of the 3D scene from input images degraded by defocus blur.

MoSca: Dynamic Gaussian Fusion from Casual Videos via 4D Motion Scaffolds

MoSca: Dynamic Gaussian Fusion from Casual Videos via 4D Motion Scaffolds [PDF]

by Jiahui Lei, Yijia Weng, Adam Harley, Leonidas Guibas, Kostas Daniilidis


We introduce 4D Motion Scaffolds (MoSca), a neural information processing system designed to reconstruct and synthesize novel views of dynamic scenes from monocular videos captured casually in the wild. To address such a challenging and ill-posed inverse problem, we leverage prior knowledge from foundational vision models, lift the video data to a novel Motion Scaffold (MoSca) representation, which compactly and smoothly encodes the underlying motions and deformations.

The scene geometry and appearance are then disentangled from the deformation field, and are encoded by globally fusing the Gaussians anchored onto the MoSca and optimized via Gaussian Splatting. Additionally, camera poses can be seamlessly initialized and refined during the dynamic rendering process, without the need for other pose estimation tools.

Experiments demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on dynamic rendering benchmarks.

GOI: Find 3D Gaussians of Interest with an Optimizable Open-vocabulary Semantic-space Hyperplane

GOI: Find 3D Gaussians of Interest with an Optimizable Open-vocabulary Semantic-space Hyperplane [PDF]

by Yansong Qu, Shaohui Dai, Xinyang Li, Jianghang Lin, Liujuan Cao, Shengchuan Zhang, Rongrong Ji


3D open-vocabulary scene understanding, crucial for advancing augmented reality and robotic applications, involves interpreting and locating specific regions within a 3D space as directed by natural language instructions. To this end, we introduce GOI, a framework that integrates semantic features from 2D vision-language foundation models into 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) and identifies 3D Gaussians of Interest using an Optimizable Semantic-space Hyperplane.

Our approach includes an efficient compression method that utilizes scene priors to condense noisy high-dimensional semantic features into compact low-dimensional vectors, which are subsequently embedded in 3DGS. During the open-vocabulary querying process, we adopt a distinct approach compared to existing methods, which depend on a manually set fixed empirical threshold to select regions based on their semantic feature distance to the query text embedding.

This traditional approach often lacks universal accuracy, leading to challenges in precisely identifying specific target areas. Instead, our method treats the feature selection process as a hyperplane division within the feature space, retaining only those features that are highly relevant to the query. We leverage off-the-shelf 2D Referring Expression Segmentation (RES) models to fine-tune the semantic-space hyperplane, enabling a more precise distinction between target regions and others. This fine-tuning substantially improves the accuracy of open-vocabulary queries, ensuring the precise localization of pertinent 3D Gaussians.

Extensive experiments demonstrate GOI’s superiority over previous state-of-the-art methods.

Our project page is available at

DC-Gaussian: Improving 3D Gaussian Splatting for Reflective Dash Cam Videos

DC-Gaussian: Improving 3D Gaussian Splatting for Reflective Dash Cam Videos [PDF]

by Linhan Wang, Kai Cheng, Shuo Lei, Shengkun Wang, Wei Yin, Chenyang Lei, Xiaoxiao Long, Chang-Tien Lu


We present DC-Gaussian, a new method for generating novel views from in-vehicle dash cam videos. While neural rendering techniques have made significant strides in driving scenarios, existing methods are primarily designed for videos collected by autonomous vehicles. However, these videos are limited in both quantity and diversity compared to dash cam videos, which are more widely used across various types of vehicles and capture a broader range of scenarios.

Dash cam videos often suffer from severe obstructions such as reflections and occlusions on the windshields, which significantly impede the application of neural rendering techniques. To address this challenge, we develop DC-Gaussian based on the recent real-time neural rendering technique 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS). Our approach includes an adaptive image decomposition module to model reflections and occlusions in a unified manner. Additionally, we introduce illumination-aware obstruction modeling to manage reflections and occlusions under varying lighting conditions. Lastly, we employ a geometry-guided Gaussian enhancement strategy to improve rendering details by incorporating additional geometry priors.

Experiments on self-captured and public dash cam videos show that our method not only achieves state-of-the-art performance in novel view synthesis but also accurately reconstructing captured scenes getting rid of obstructions.

SafeguardGS: 3D Gaussian Primitive Pruning While Avoiding Catastrophic Scene Destruction

SafeguardGS: 3D Gaussian Primitive Pruning While Avoiding Catastrophic Scene Destruction [PDF]

by Yongjae Lee, Zhaoliang Zhang, Deliang Fan


3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has made a significant stride in novel view synthesis, demonstrating top-notch rendering quality while achieving real-time rendering speed. However, the excessively large number of Gaussian primitives resulting from 3DGS’ suboptimal densification process poses a major challenge, slowing down frame-per-second (FPS) and demanding considerable memory cost, making it unfavorable for low-end devices. To cope with this issue, many follow-up studies have suggested various pruning techniques, often in combination with different score functions, to optimize rendering performance. Nonetheless, a comprehensive discussion regarding their effectiveness and implications across all techniques is missing.

In this paper, we first categorize 3DGS pruning techniques into two types: Cross-view pruning and pixel-wise pruning, which differ in their approaches to rank primitives. Our subsequent experiments reveal that while cross-view pruning leads to disastrous quality drops under extreme Gaussian primitives decimation, the pixel-wise pruning technique not only sustains relatively high rendering quality with minuscule performance degradation but also provides a reasonable minimum boundary for pruning.

Building on this observation, we further propose multiple variations of score functions and empirically discover that the color-weighted score function outperforms others for discriminating insignificant primitives for rendering. We believe our research provides valuable insights for optimizing 3DGS pruning strategies for future works.

Mani-GS: Gaussian Splatting Manipulation with Triangular Mesh

Mani-GS: Gaussian Splatting Manipulation with Triangular Mesh [PDF]

by Xiangjun Gao, Xiaoyu Li, Yiyu Zhuang, Qi Zhang, Wenbo Hu, Chaopeng Zhang, Yao Yao, Ying Shan, Long Quan


Neural 3D representations such as Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) excel at producing photo-realistic rendering results but lack the flexibility for manipulation and editing, which is crucial for content creation. Previous works have attempted to address this issue by deforming a NeRF in canonical space or manipulating the radiance field based on an explicit mesh. However, manipulating NeRF is not highly controllable and requires a long training and inference time.

With the emergence of 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS), extremely high-fidelity novel view synthesis can be achieved using an explicit point-based 3D representation with much faster training and rendering speed. However, there is still a lack of effective means to manipulate 3DGS freely while maintaining rendering quality.

In this work, we aim to tackle the challenge of achieving manipulable photo-realistic rendering. We propose to utilize a triangular mesh to manipulate 3DGS directly with self-adaptation. This approach reduces the need to design various algorithms for different types of Gaussian manipulation. By utilizing a triangle shape-aware Gaussian binding and adapting method, we can achieve 3DGS manipulation and preserve high-fidelity rendering after manipulation.

Our approach is capable of handling large deformations, local manipulations, and soft body simulations while keeping high-quality rendering. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our method is also effective with inaccurate meshes extracted from 3DGS. Experiments conducted demonstrate the effectiveness of our method and its superiority over baseline approaches.

Project page:

Deform3DGS: Flexible Deformation for Fast Surgical Scene Reconstruction with Gaussian Splatting

Deform3DGS: Flexible Deformation for Fast Surgical Scene Reconstruction with Gaussian Splatting [PDF]

by Shuojue Yang, Qian Li, Daiyun Shen, Bingchen Gong, Qi Dou, Yueming Jin


Tissue deformation poses a key challenge for accurate surgical scene reconstruction. Despite yielding high reconstruction quality, existing methods suffer from slow rendering speeds and long training times, limiting their intraoperative applicability. Motivated by recent progress in 3D Gaussian Splatting, an emerging technology in real-time 3D rendering, this work presents a novel fast reconstruction framework, termed Deform3DGS, for deformable tissues during endoscopic surgery.

Specifically, we introduce 3D GS into surgical scenes by integrating a point cloud initialization to improve reconstruction. Furthermore, we propose a novel flexible deformation modeling scheme (FDM) to learn tissue deformation dynamics at the level of individual Gaussians. Our FDM can model the surface deformation with efficient representations, allowing for real-time rendering performance.

More importantly, FDM significantly accelerates surgical scene reconstruction, demonstrating considerable clinical values, particularly in intraoperative settings where time efficiency is crucial. Experiments on DaVinci robotic surgery videos indicate the efficacy of our approach, showcasing superior reconstruction fidelity PSNR: (37.90) and rendering speed (338.8 FPS) while substantially reducing training time to only 1 minute/scene.

HFGS: 4D Gaussian Splatting with Emphasis on Spatial and Temporal High-Frequency Components for Endoscopic Scene Reconstruction

HFGS: 4D Gaussian Splatting with Emphasis on Spatial and Temporal High-Frequency Components for Endoscopic Scene Reconstruction [PDF]

by Haoyu Zhao, Xingyue Zhao, Lingting Zhu, Weixi Zheng, Yongchao Xu


Robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery benefits from enhancing dynamic scene reconstruction, as it improves surgical outcomes. While Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have been effective in scene reconstruction, their slow inference speeds and lengthy training durations limit their applicability. To overcome these limitations, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3D-GS) based methods have emerged as a recent trend, offering rapid inference capabilities and superior 3D quality. However, these methods still struggle with under-reconstruction in both static and dynamic scenes.

In this paper, we propose HFGS, a novel approach for deformable endoscopic reconstruction that addresses these challenges from spatial and temporal frequency perspectives. Our approach incorporates deformation fields to better handle dynamic scenes and introduces Spatial High-Frequency Emphasis Reconstruction (SHF) to minimize discrepancies in spatial frequency spectra between the rendered image and its ground truth. Additionally, we introduce Temporal High-Frequency Emphasis Reconstruction (THF) to enhance dynamic awareness in neural rendering by leveraging flow priors, focusing optimization on motion-intensive parts.

Extensive experiments on two widely used benchmarks demonstrate that HFGS achieves superior rendering quality. Our code will be available.

A Refined 3D Gaussian Representation for High-Quality Dynamic Scene Reconstruction

A Refined 3D Gaussian Representation for High-Quality Dynamic Scene Reconstruction [PDF]

by Bin Zhang, Bi Zeng, Zexin Peng


In recent years, Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have revolutionized three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction with its implicit representation. Building upon NeRF, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3D-GS) has departed from the implicit representation of neural networks and instead directly represents scenes as point clouds with Gaussian-shaped distributions. While this shift has notably elevated the rendering quality and speed of radiance fields, it has inevitably led to a significant increase in memory usage. Additionally, effectively rendering dynamic scenes in 3D-GS has emerged as a pressing challenge.

To address these concerns, this paper proposes a refined 3D Gaussian representation for high-quality dynamic scene reconstruction. Firstly, we use a deformable multi-layer perceptron (MLP) network to capture the dynamic offset of Gaussian points and express the color features of points through hash encoding and a tiny MLP to reduce storage requirements. Subsequently, we introduce a learnable denoising mask coupled with denoising loss to eliminate noise points from the scene, thereby further compressing the 3D Gaussian model. Finally, motion noise of points is mitigated through static constraints and motion consistency constraints.

Experimental results demonstrate that our method surpasses existing approaches in rendering quality and speed, while significantly reducing the memory usage associated with 3D-GS, making it highly suitable for various tasks such as novel view synthesis, and dynamic mapping.

FreeSplat: Generalizable 3D Gaussian Splatting Towards Free-View Synthesis of Indoor Scenes

FreeSplat: Generalizable 3D Gaussian Splatting Towards Free-View Synthesis of Indoor Scenes [PDF]

by Yunsong Wang, Tianxin Huang, Hanlin Chen, Gim Hee Lee


Empowering 3D Gaussian Splatting with generalization ability is appealing. However, existing generalizable 3D Gaussian Splatting methods are largely confined to narrow-range interpolation between stereo images due to their heavy backbones, thus lacking the ability to accurately localize 3D Gaussian and support free-view synthesis across a wide view range.

In this paper, we present a novel framework FreeSplat that is capable of reconstructing geometrically consistent 3D scenes from long sequence input towards free-view synthesis. Specifically, we first introduce Low-cost Cross-View Aggregation achieved by constructing adaptive cost volumes among nearby views and aggregating features using a multi-scale structure. Subsequently, we present the Pixel-wise Triplet Fusion to eliminate redundancy of 3D Gaussians in overlapping view regions and to aggregate features observed across multiple views.

Additionally, we propose a simple but effective free-view training strategy that ensures robust view synthesis across a broader view range regardless of the number of views. Our empirical results demonstrate state-of-the-art novel view synthesis performances in both novel view rendered color maps quality and depth maps accuracy across different numbers of input views. We also show that FreeSplat performs inference more efficiently and can effectively reduce redundant Gaussians, offering the possibility of feed-forward large scene reconstruction without depth priors.

RT-GS2: Real-Time Generalizable Semantic Segmentation for 3D Gaussian Representations of Radiance Fields

RT-GS2: Real-Time Generalizable Semantic Segmentation for 3D Gaussian Representations of Radiance Fields [PDF]

by Mihnea-Bogdan Jurca, Remco Royen, Ion Giosan, Adrian Munteanu


Gaussian Splatting has revolutionized the world of novel view synthesis by achieving high rendering performance in real-time. Recently, studies have focused on enriching these 3D representations with semantic information for downstream tasks. In this paper, we introduce RT-GS2, the first generalizable semantic segmentation method employing Gaussian Splatting. While existing Gaussian Splatting-based approaches rely on scene-specific training, RT-GS2 demonstrates the ability to generalize to unseen scenes.

Our method adopts a new approach by first extracting view-independent 3D Gaussian features in a self-supervised manner, followed by a novel View-Dependent / View-Independent (VDVI) feature fusion to enhance semantic consistency over different views. Extensive experimentation on three different datasets showcases RT-GS2’s superiority over the state-of-the-art methods in semantic segmentation quality, exemplified by an 8.01% increase in mIoU on the Replica dataset. Moreover, our method achieves real-time performance of 27.03 FPS, marking an astonishing 901 times speedup compared to existing approaches.

This work represents a significant advancement in the field by introducing, to the best of our knowledge, the first real-time generalizable semantic segmentation method for 3D Gaussian representations of radiance fields.

EG4D: Explicit Generation of 4D Object without Score Distillation

EG4D: Explicit Generation of 4D Object without Score Distillation [PDF]

by Qi Sun, Zhiyang Guo, Ziyu Wan, Jing Nathan Yan, Shengming Yin, Wengang Zhou, Jing Liao, Houqiang Li


In recent years, the increasing demand for dynamic 3D assets in design and gaming applications has given rise to powerful generative pipelines capable of synthesizing high-quality 4D objects. Previous methods generally rely on score distillation sampling (SDS) algorithm to infer the unseen views and motion of 4D objects, thus leading to unsatisfactory results with defects like over-saturation and Janus problem.

Therefore, inspired by recent progress of video diffusion models, we propose to optimize a 4D representation by explicitly generating multi-view videos from one input image. However, it is far from trivial to handle practical challenges faced by such a pipeline, including dramatic temporal inconsistency, inter-frame geometry and texture diversity, and semantic defects brought by video generation results. To address these issues, we propose DG4D, a novel multi-stage framework that generates high-quality and consistent 4D assets without score distillation.

Specifically, collaborative techniques and solutions are developed, including an attention injection strategy to synthesize temporal-consistent multi-view videos, a robust and efficient dynamic reconstruction method based on Gaussian Splatting, and a refinement stage with diffusion prior for semantic restoration. The qualitative results and user preference study demonstrate that our framework outperforms the baselines in generation quality by a considerable margin.

Code will be released at

A Grid-Free Fluid Solver based on Gaussian Spatial Representation

A Grid-Free Fluid Solver based on Gaussian Spatial Representation [PDF]

by Jingrui Xing, Bin Wang, Mengyu Chu, Baoquan Chen


We present a grid-free fluid solver featuring a novel Gaussian representation. Drawing inspiration from the expressive capabilities of 3D Gaussian Splatting in multi-view image reconstruction, we model the continuous flow velocity as a weighted sum of multiple Gaussian functions. Leveraging this representation, we derive differential operators for the field and implement a time-dependent PDE solver using the traditional operator splitting method. Compared to implicit neural representations as another continuous spatial representation with increasing attention, our method with flexible 3D Gaussians presents enhanced accuracy on vorticity preservation.

Moreover, we apply physics-driven strategies to accelerate the optimization-based time integration of Gaussian functions. This temporal evolution surpasses previous work based on implicit neural representation with reduced computational time and memory. Although not surpassing the quality of state-of-the-art Eulerian methods in fluid simulation, experiments and ablation studies indicate the potential of our memory-efficient representation. With enriched spatial information, our method exhibits a distinctive perspective combining the advantages of Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches.

NegGS: Negative Gaussian Splatting

NegGS: Negative Gaussian Splatting [PDF]

by Artur Kasymov, Bartosz Czekaj, Marcin Mazur, Przemysław Spurek


One of the key advantages of 3D rendering is its ability to simulate intricate scenes accurately. One of the most widely used methods for this purpose is Gaussian Splatting, a novel approach that is known for its rapid training and inference capabilities. In essence, Gaussian Splatting involves incorporating data about the 3D objects of interest into a series of Gaussian distributions, each of which can then be depicted in 3D in a manner analogous to traditional meshes.

It is regrettable that the use of Gaussians in Gaussian Splatting is currently somewhat restrictive due to their perceived linear nature. In practice, 3D objects are often composed of complex curves and highly nonlinear structures. This issue can to some extent be alleviated by employing a multitude of Gaussian components to reflect the complex, nonlinear structures accurately. However, this approach results in a considerable increase in time complexity.

This paper introduces the concept of negative Gaussians, which are interpreted as items with negative colors. The rationale behind this approach is based on the density distribution created by dividing the probability density functions (PDFs) of two Gaussians, which we refer to as Diff-Gaussian. Such a distribution can be used to approximate structures such as donut and moon-shaped datasets.

Experimental findings indicate that the application of these techniques enhances the modeling of high-frequency elements with rapid color transitions. Additionally, it improves the representation of shadows. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to extend the simple ellipsoid shapes of Gaussian Splatting to more complex nonlinear structures.

3D StreetUnveiler with Semantic-Aware 2DGS

3D StreetUnveiler with Semantic-Aware 2DGS [PDF]

by Jingwei Xu, Yikai Wang, Yiqun Zhao, Yanwei Fu, Shenghua Gao


Unveiling an empty street from crowded observations captured by in-car cameras is crucial for autonomous driving. However, removing all temporary static objects, such as stopped vehicles and standing pedestrians, presents a significant challenge. Unlike object-centric 3D inpainting, which relies on thorough observation in a small scene, street scenes involve long trajectories that differ from previous 3D inpainting tasks. The camera-centric moving environment of captured videos further complicates the task due to the limited degree and time duration of object observation.

To address these obstacles, we introduce StreetUnveiler to reconstruct an empty street. StreetUnveiler learns a 3D representation of the empty street from crowded observations. Our representation is based on the hard-label semantic 2D Gaussian Splatting (2DGS) for its scalability and ability to identify Gaussians to be removed. We inpaint rendered image after removing unwanted Gaussians to provide pseudo-labels and subsequently re-optimize the 2DGS.

Given its temporal continuous movement, we divide the empty street scene into observed, partial-observed, and unobserved regions, which we propose to locate through a rendered alpha map. This decomposition helps us to minimize the regions that need to be inpainted. To enhance the temporal consistency of the inpainting, we introduce a novel time-reversal framework to inpaint frames in reverse order and use later frames as references for earlier frames to fully utilize the long-trajectory observations.

Our experiments conducted on the street scene dataset successfully reconstructed a 3D representation of the empty street. The mesh representation of the empty street can be extracted for further applications.

Project page:

3DitScene: Editing Any Scene via Language-guided Disentangled Gaussian Splatting

3DitScene: Editing Any Scene via Language-guided Disentangled Gaussian Splatting [PDF]

by Qihang Zhang, Yinghao Xu, Chaoyang Wang, Hsin-Ying Lee, Gordon Wetzstein, Bolei Zhou, Ceyuan Yang


Scene image editing is crucial for entertainment, photography, and advertising design. Existing methods solely focus on either 2D individual object or 3D global scene editing. This results in a lack of a unified approach to effectively control and manipulate scenes at the 3D level with different levels of granularity. In this work, we propose 3DitScene, a novel and unified scene editing framework leveraging language-guided disentangled Gaussian Splatting that enables seamless editing from 2D to 3D, allowing precise control over scene composition and individual objects.

We first incorporate 3D Gaussians that are refined through generative priors and optimization techniques. Language features from CLIP then introduce semantics into 3D geometry for object disentanglement. With the disentangled Gaussians, 3DitScene allows for manipulation at both the global and individual levels, revolutionizing creative expression and empowering control over scenes and objects.

Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of 3DitScene in scene image editing. Code and online demo can be found at our project homepage:

GFlow: Recovering 4D World from Monocular Video

GFlow: Recovering 4D World from Monocular Video [PDF]

by Shizun Wang, Xingyi Yang, Qiuhong Shen, Zhenxiang Jiang, Xinchao Wang


Reconstructing 4D scenes from video inputs is a crucial yet challenging task. Conventional methods usually rely on the assumptions of multi-view video inputs, known camera parameters, or static scenes, all of which are typically absent under in-the-wild scenarios. In this paper, we relax all these constraints and tackle a highly ambitious but practical task, which we termed as AnyV4D: we assume only one monocular video is available without any camera parameters as input, and we aim to recover the dynamic 4D world alongside the camera poses.

To this end, we introduce GFlow, a new framework that utilizes only 2D priors (depth and optical flow) to lift a video (3D) to a 4D explicit representation, entailing a flow of Gaussian splatting through space and time. GFlow first clusters the scene into still and moving parts, then applies a sequential optimization process that optimizes camera poses and the dynamics of 3D Gaussian points based on 2D priors and scene clustering, ensuring fidelity among neighboring points and smooth movement across frames. Since dynamic scenes always introduce new content, we also propose a new pixel-wise densification strategy for Gaussian points to integrate new visual content.

Moreover, GFlow transcends the boundaries of mere 4D reconstruction; it also enables tracking of any points across frames without the need for prior training and segments moving objects from the scene in an unsupervised way. Additionally, the camera poses of each frame can be derived from GFlow, allowing for rendering novel views of a video scene through changing camera pose. By employing the explicit representation, we may readily conduct scene-level or object-level editing as desired, underscoring its versatility and power.

Visit our project website at

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